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Thanks goes out to Taylor Nullmeyer for this video !!!

Join Us for the 2025 Summer Season!

Learn how to sail at the Lake Joseph Yacht Club this summer! We are a small community based, volunteer run, non-profit sailing club in the heart of Lake Joe located beside the CNIB summer camp.

The LJYC has been around for over 50 years and offers a great opportunity for cottagers, their guests, and renters to get to know their neighbors and develop sailing skills on a friendly basis. We have over 100+ family memberships – and are looking forward to including you as one of them!

  • Full Day and Half Day (upon request) program options –Ages 5 years +
  • On Water Boating Skills for Adults/Children
  • Private Sailing Lessons by request
  • Race Team
  • Sail Canada’s-Canada’s National Sailing Authority- CANSail Program


  • 2025 Sailing School Registration  will open Friday Feb. 28th
  • Stay tuned for further updates as we will update in this section as more information becomes available.

2025 Program Description & Member Pricing


We are running 7 weeks of Sailing School this year. 

STAY TUNED Updates will be posted as they become available.   

Available Weeks: 

(We operate Monday-Friday 9am-4pm including the Civic holiday on 


  • Week 1: June 30 -July 04 (We are sailing on Canada day)
  • Week 2: July 07-July 11
  • Week 3: July 14-July 18
  • Week 4: July 21-July 25
  • Week 5: July 28- Aug 01
  • Week 6: Aug 04-Aug 08  (We are sailing on the civic holiday Monday)
  • Week 7: Aug 11-Aug 15

Wet Feet: Half Days –  Full Days   

Ages 5-8, one-week sessions Monday to Friday:  Full Days 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Half Days 9:00 am-12:30 pm

This is an introduction to sailing for young children with no previous experience. In stable, sturdy Oppi dinghies (designed specifically for beginners), sailors learn basic steering and sail control skills in a small-group environment. Off the water, instructors teach the points of sail, boat parts, and weather and safety information through games and interactive lessons.   This program emphasizes safety, fun, and learning, and provides ideal preparation for the CANSail 1. 

CANSail 1 & 2:  Full Days   

Prerequisite: Must be 9 years of age or older, no prior experience required.  Note that 8-year-olds may sign up for CANSail 1 if they have completed the Wetfeet certification.  Program operates in one-week sessions Monday to Friday, Full Days 9:00 am-4:00 pm

This basic sailing course is for new sailors or those with limited sailing experience. Sailors are introduced to the sport and learn the fundamentals while sailing in Pico’s and RS Zests.  Introduction to sailing.

CANSail 1 teaches sailors fundamental sailing skills including basic sheeting, steering, and boat handling on all points of sail. Sailors can sail within defined boundaries set by an instructor.

CANSail 2 – Basic sailing. CANSail 2 teaches sailors to adjust their bodies and boats for changes in direction and wind speed while sailing and to perform boat-handling manoeuvers in a controlled manner while in a controlled setting. Sailors also learn basic physical literacy through fun activities and sailing games.  As in the Wetfeet Program, the emphasis is on safety, fun and teaching youth sailors to confidently handle a small dinghy.  We recommend a min of 2 weeks of FULL Day classes for CANSail 1 and 3 weeks of FULL Day classes for CANSail 2.  As each student progresses at their own rate it may take longer to attain the level. 

CANSail 3-6  Full Days

Prerequisite:  Must be 12 years of age or older, Program operates in one-week sessions Monday to Friday, Full Days 9:00 am-4:00 pm

In double-handed 420s or Lasers, sailors build on existing skills in all types of conditions and to a higher level of proficiency.

CANSail 3 – Intermediate sailing. CANSail 3 teaches sailors to integrate the fundamental boat handling manoeuvers and balance with basic tactics and strategy as well as applied sail trim. Sailors are exposed to various conditions and participate in a club race or training camp.

CANSail 4 – Advanced sailing. CANSail 4 teaches sailors to perform advanced boat handling manoeuvers in a variety of conditions. Sailors can successfully execute manoeuvers in competitive settings and for tactical and strategic purposes. Sailors participate in a one to a two-day local regatta.
CANSail 5 – Basic integration of racing. CANSail 5 fully integrates boat handling with tactics and strategy. Sailors are also introduced to the concept of rig tuning and its relation to boat trim and conditions. Sailors participate in a one to a two-day local regatta.
CANSail 6 – Full integration of racing. CANSail 6 fully integrates boat handling, sail trim, and rig setup with racing. Sailors train to perform all skills within a competitive race setting in order to achieve accurate sailing within a regatta and in all conditions. Sailors participate in a regional or provincial regatta (Cottage Club).

These programs emphasize high-performance sailing and basic racing and act as a foundation for the Racing Team. Because of the more advanced nature of this program, sailors should be attending a min. of 2 weeks, however, it is strongly recommended that a four-week + Full day commitment is made over the summer.