Have fun, meet new friends and learn a lifelong skill
History of the LJYC:
Our story started in 1966 with 4 young Lake Joe girls (Laurie & Jennifer Goad, Heather & Mary Dickie) traveling daily to Muskoka Lakes Golf & Country Club (MLG&CC) to take part in sailing lessons. When their wooden boat sunk on the way over to Lake Rosseau their Father John Lawrence Goad (Larry) called his friend and neighbor, Richard J. Boxer Sr. an avid sailor and hatched the plan to start a satellite sailing club on Lake Joseph with the support of the MLG&CC and fellow cottagers on Lake Joe. Thank you, Larry, for having the vision and passion to start the LJYC that has provided so much for our Lake Joe and surrounding area families!
Larry and Richard negotiated with the Lake Joseph Church to use their site and in the summer of 1967, with the first Head Instructor George Elliot on loan from the MLG &CC, the Lake Joseph Yacht Club (LJYC) was founded. Over the next several years we added our own “Home Grown” instructors (Greg & Bill Deacon, John Thompkins, Munson McKinney, Jennifer & Martha Goad, Geoff Hogarth, Paul Osak. Shane Palmer and Evan Jennings) and added to our fleet of loaned Sailboats from generous cottagers
In 1971 the LJYC became its own entity and formalized a Board of Directors adding Dr. Thomas Ryley. Outgrowing the Lake Joseph Church site, the LJYC was moved to the back of Laurie Island (Goad Family island). In 1978 we were Incorporated adding further board members. Notably, Gregory Deacon an Instructor then Commodore from 1974-1987.
Sadly in 1987 the LJYC ceased operations until 1991 when a group of cottagers met to revive the club. An agreement was reached with the CNIB to operate partially on their property and adjacent railway access land starting a long-time relationship. With the help of Hamer Bay Marine and Gordon Bay Marine the LJYC was back in business! Simon Jennings was the First Instructor in the revived LJYC, followed by Mike Turnbull, Chris Teolis, Daphne Rodaway and Mary Nicholson.
In 2002, Carolyn Cross Gagnon (2002-2009) took over running the Sailing school along with an active board and started the journey to make the LJYC what it is today, a viable sailing school, increasing our students, instructors and fleet. Carolyn and the board secured our 2nd grant to purchase a fleet of Club 420’s, expanding the volunteer program started in 1991 and Co-founded the “Big Sound Challenge” a training Regatta held in Georgian Bay with Sail Parry Sound, bringing back racing to the LJYC and introducing our sailors to local, regional and national regattas.
May you download our history here!.